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Connections Committee

In 2024, the WWA Board voted to merge the Communication and Membership committees, forming the Connections Committee. The Connections Committee oversees the strategic communications promoting WWA’s mission and ensure each WIC region is represented on the WWA board.


The Connections Committee is seeking motivated members with interest in developing or sharking the following skills to:

  • Develop and maintain the WWA website
  • Write and distribute quarterly newsletters
  • Promote current news and events through Facebook
  • Recruit At-Large and Regional Representatives
  • Create engaging committee opportunities for members
  • Survey members about their experience annually

If you are interested in joining the Connections Committee, contact our current Chair:



The Connections Committee is a standing committee that oversees strategic communications to promote the WWA’s mission and purpose. The committee provides guidance and the implementation of the communications functions of the website, social media, and other communication avenues to promote and market WWA actions and WIC news.



  • Assisting in the continuous development and maintenance of the WWA website
  • Creating and distributing quarterly newsletters
  • Promoting current news and events through Facebook
  • Coordinate any additional communications that may be needed for WIC marketing or action alert purposes


2024 Goals

  1. Meet with additional website designers to discuss website needs and advancement.
  2. Update the WWA Website monthly (Especially: up to date job opportunities and other WWA events that need additional guidance and communication to members).
  3. Create and distribute 1-4 newsletters annually.
  4. Establish a new logo and color scheme.
  5. Maintain presence on WWA Facebook with a minimum of 1 monthly post.

We are currently accepting new committee members to join our Team!

Contact WI WIC Association




Mailing Address:

Wisconsin WIC Association
111 S Jefferson Street

Lancaster, WI 53813

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